Slitherlink Loop the Loop Puzzle Book Paperback – Buy Online
Hello Friends,
I have published my new book titled “Slitherlink Loop the Loop Puzzle Book”. This available at Amazon US, UK, Japan, France, Denmark, Canada through a self-publishing platform.
This book has also been published at Amazon India and Notionpress. To see complete details and buy it in India, you can visit these links.
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What is Slitherlink Loop the Loop Puzzle?
In this puzzle, an unending loop should be formed based number clue given inside puzzle. You can see the image displayed below as an example of loop the loop puzzle.
The above puzzle is a 7×7 Slitherlink loop puzzle. It should be solved by connecting dots and following the number of clues given. Any number inside the puzzle can not have more number of lines around it than the number itself. A zero (0) number can not have any life around it and number 3 will have 3 lines around it. The solution of the above puzzle is given below for better understanding-
We have a video below for you where you can learn the complete solving techniques of the puzzles. Here is a YouTube video-
The book published by me for everyone starting from the age of 6 years to 100 years age people. The book explains about loop puzzle in detail. The history of the puzzle is also given. Puzzle-solving techniques are explained in detail. After reading the book one can solve all types of puzzles, even the hardest one.
The aim of the Loop the Loop puzzle is to draw one loop that satisfies all the conditions. Conditions are the numbers given in the puzzle that is also known as “clue”. Any number in the puzzle has that number of lines around it.
So, buy the book and enjoy the fun of the puzzle.
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Buy Amazon US from this link – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086BBX79N/ (Give a review of this book Here )
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