My Diary Speaks 12th August 2013

I could not sleep well the night before thus morning was not well. I woke up on the call from my wife when it was time to drop Abhiraj off at the bus stop. I had money to buy raw coconut thus as per my wife’s request I went to the vegetable shop and purchased 2 coconuts and came back home.

I did Yoga after getting over the morning routine. As the vehicle was coming first to pick up thus it was time to depart at 9 AM-9:30 AM today against the usual delayed office going. I took breakfast in haste as the vehicle arrived early. Took bath and breakfast within 20 minutes and was ready by 9:15 AM to depart. Mr. Rastogi ADG was also accompanied as was scheduled to come with me. Both of us took our seats for office at Khanpur. Both of us discussed the benefits of arriving office early but other officers were arriving office by 11 AM which was obviously condemned by me.

Anyway, we arrived office at 9:40 AM. As a precaution, we telephone peon to open office so that by the time we arrive office then we can start our work.